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Legal Nurse Consultants

How to Choose the Right Medical Record Analysis for Your Case

Choosing the right medical record analysis report for your litigation can go a long way in determining where to point your resources, developing your legal team’s strategy, and understanding the overall picture being painted by the medical records.

But not all reports are the same. Some larger medical record review teams outsource their reviews to medical staff overseas who may miss the nuance in the American medical system, while others could inflate your costs by reviewing every medical record, even those with no bearing on the case.

MRC’s team of legal nurse consultants has the experience to help guide each legal team in deciding what kind of medical report best serves their case and budget, and we’re able to custom create new work products that exactly fit your needs with custom protocols and a flexible, cloud-based database.

Here, we’ve summarized our core types of medical record analysis, but the possibilities for our clients are endless.


A Triage of records offers a perspective view of the medical facts across all plaintiffs that helps provide legal teams the information needed to strategically allocate resources to claims that demand a more extensive review and analysis. This type of time-saving summary gives a high-level, quick medical-based understanding of what happened to each claimant.

Use Cases:
  • There are 4,000 plaintiffs, but the judge has asked you to come up with the best cases for a bellwether trial.
  • There are 700 plaintiffs with thousands of medical records. You just need to know which plaintiffs to focus your resources.


MRC’s medical chronologies offer an informed interpretation of the facts by outlining the significant medical events related to the allegations or highlighting possible areas of liability. It equips your legal team with the sequences of medical facts, medical data, and dates relevant to your case, along with interpretive notes and comments. Many MRC clients prefer to pair the Chronology with the Summary.

Use Cases:
  • Your client wants to go over dates as they pertain to the allegations of injury.
  • You are preparing for a deposition for a trial and you need to make sure you know all the important details of the claimant allegations as well as all of the medical providers.
  • You are looking to see if there is a pattern of care the claimant received.


MRC offers customized summary options that bridge the gap between what the records say and what the records mean for your case. It explains the who, what, when, and where of each claimant’s medical history by clarifying and simplifying the relevant facts. The summary can be highly detailed or succinct depending on the client’s needs. Many MRC clients prefer to pair the Summary with the Chronology.

Use Cases:
  • By focusing on a particular set of plaintiff allegations, you think you can prove your case.
  • Your client wants a high-level overview of the case to help inform internal stakeholders.
  • You are drafting the settlement demand and need a summary of the medical facts.

MRC’s legal nurse consultants are skilled at bringing clarity to the forefront by extracting the medical insights, alternative causations, and mitigating factors within the medical records. With more than 35 years of experience with some of the largest torts in history, MRC gives you the clarity to help strengthen your case and the confidence you need to win.