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MRC to Boost Data Security with Addition of Two-Factor Authentication

MRC is raising the data security bar once again.

We are proud to announce the addition of a two-factor authentication (2FA) protocol as a new layer of security for users of MRC’s WiseFiles and MRCRecords applications. The new security feature goes into effect on May 6.

The 2FA is designed to reduce security threats like phishing attacks and other online frauds by adding an additional layer of security around accounts. The two-step process requires both user credentials and authentication that the intended user is the one logging in.

MRC is committed to following best practices when developing our online applications that support thousands of users and host personal information. Many cyber security experts view 2FA as one of the easiest ways to prevent hackers from hijacking accounts, and MRC’s steps underscores our focus on the importance of data security.

“MRC shows continued commitment to data security, and this is just one of many security protocols updated this year,” said Gretchen Watson, CEO of MRC. “We are proud to host sensitive litigation records for our clients, and security remains at the forefront of MRC’s priorities for 2019.”

Users will follow their normal login process with an additional step after the credentials have been logged. All users will receive an email with a unique verification code that will grant them access within 60 seconds. Because of our commitment to data security, MRC set the authentication protocol at 60 seconds, which will work to prevent online attackers from breaching data.

Relying on a “good” password simply isn’t enough for today’s hackers, said Indiana University Professor and data security researcher L. Jean Camp. She said it doesn’t matter how long or clever the password; most login information is stolen in database breaches where hackers can just copy and paste passwords.